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Cellulite Reduction with Cellulaze™ – What You Want to Know

Cellulaze_Patient_Banner_finalHRWe were recently able to sit down with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Tiffany McCormack, for a Q&A session regarding the innovative cellulite treatment known as Cellulaze™. Below are Dr. McCormack’s answers detailing unique aspects of the minimally-invasive procedure.

Question: What makes Cellulaze™ unique compared to other cellulite reduction techniques, and what ultimately enticed you into offering the procedure?

Dr. McCormack: Cellulaze™ is the first procedure shown to significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite in a single treatment. The fact that it is minimally invasive played an integral role in wanting to provide this procedure for my patients, as many of them are mothers that simply do not have the time necessary for recovery from more invasive surgical body contouring procedures.

Q: Is there a specific time of year that you would recommend receiving Cellulaze™? If so, please explain why.

DM: Cellulaze™ is an effective procedure no matter what time of year it’s received, but I suppose I’d have to say Springtime would be the ideal season for treatment. The Spring months often provide ample time for Cellulaze™ results to appear before the arrival of bathing suit season and warm-weather clothing in the Summer.

Q:What areas of the body can be treated with Cellulaze™, and will you please briefly describe how the treatment works?

DM: Cellulaze™ can be used to treat the hips, thighs, abdomen, and buttocks. In short, laser energy is used to release the strain of fibrous bands creating dimples in the patient’s skin. This energy also helps to level out fat lumps and stimulate the production of new collagen for improved skin depth and elasticity.

Q:What do you generally say to patients who are hesitant about receiving a cosmetic procedure to reduce their cellulite?

DM: Many patients believe that cellulite is a fat-related issue that can be resolved with a healthy diet and regular exercise routine. I remind my patients that cellulite is often caused by factors outside of their control. Genetics, skin thickness, the natural aging process, and the body’s distribution of fat are all unique to each patient and affect the development of cellulite. For these reasons, a cosmetic treatment designed to target the root causes of cellulite can be more effective than diet and exercise.

Q: What is the procedure like?

DM: The procedure is minimally-invasive and generally takes about one and a half hours to complete. Several small incisions are made in targeted areas through which the laser energy is directed. Local anesthesia will help to eliminate any discomfort, and the majority of patients are able to return to their daily routines immediately following the procedure. Any bruising or swelling will typically diminish after a couple of days.

Q: What can patients expect in regard to results?

DM: Results will appear after about four weeks and will continue to improve over the course of about three months. Studies have shown that results last about three years on average, and in some cases, even longer.

Schedule Your Cellulaze™ Consultation

For more information about cellulite treatment with Cellulaze™, or to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Tiffany McCormack, please contact McCormack Plastic Surgery today.

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