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What Will My Scars Look Like after Breast Reduction?


The appearance of scars after breast reduction will largely be determined by the surgical technique used to accomplish the procedure. The goal for the plastic surgeon should always be to choose the method that delivers the desired results with the least potential for residual scarring. For many of my breast reduction patients, the incision pattern utilized extends around the nipple-areolar complex and continues vertically down the underside of the breast to the inframammary breast crease. In the event a more significant amount of tissue removal is needed, this incision may further extend horizontally along the inframammary crease.

Fortunately, breast reduction scarring can often be concealed by virtually all blouse, swimsuit, and underwear varieties. In addition, if the incision is properly cared for after surgery, remains free of infection, and is not exposed to excessive sunlight, visible scar tissue should gradually fade, flatten, and soften over time. This scar healing process can vary from patient to patient and may take up to a year, so it is important for you to remain patient and diligent in your care. For individuals who are ultimately dissatisfied in the appearance of their scars, scar reduction treatments with the Lumenis DeepFX™ laser can often help to dramatically diminish the intensity of scars (and stretchmarks, too!).

For visual reference as to how scars may appear after breast reduction, I encourage you to explore my photo gallery of breast reduction patients to examine before and after pictures.

– Tiffany McCormack, MD

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