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What Are My Breast Augmentation Incision Options?

When it comes to placing implants during breast augmentation, patients have a number of different options, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages that should be discussed in full detail during the consultation process. At McCormack Plastic Surgery, I offer the following three techniques:

  • Periareolar – This incision is made around the outer margin of the areola.
  • Transaxillary – This incision is made underneath the arms.
  • Inframammary – This incision is made in the lower crease below the breasts.

Regardless of location, breast augmentation incisions tend to heal extremely well for the majority of my patients, and with the proper postoperative care, their final appearance is often rather inconspicuous. It is important to note that the incision used to place silicone implants will need to be slightly bigger than that used for saline implants, though this difference in size is not generally enough to raise concerns for most women.

As previously mentioned, each incision has pros and cons based on the individual’s specific needs and desires, and I make sure to thoroughly educate my patients on every option before recommending the approach that I believe would be best for her unique goals.

Dr. Tiffany McCormack, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

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