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Dr. McCormack Reflects on Innovations in Safety Protocols for NewBeauty® Magazine

NewBeauty Magazine CoverAt The Aesthetic Society’s annual meeting in April 2021 — the first in-person gathering since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic — doctors and plastic surgeons from across the country converged to discuss the future of cosmetic surgery. Among the many takeaways from the nationwide conference were the rise of non-surgical technologies to complement surgical procedures, the versatility of fat transfer injections, and the strengthening of already-rigorous safety protocols. Renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Tiffany McCormack, MD recently discussed the latter innovation with NewBeauty® magazine, a leading aesthetic enhancement publication for which Dr. McCormack is a frequent contributor. 

Dr. McCormack specifically spoke to the rare opportunity that the 2021 meeting provided for fellow plastic surgeons to compare how each managed to enhance patient and staff safety in light of the pandemic. For most medical practitioners, the temporary closures presented by COVID-19 offered time to assess practice-wide safety protocols and make improvements where necessary. “Many plastic surgeons have made positive changes in their practices, having had some time to regroup during the closures,” Dr. McCormack comments. “Many will keep these positive changes in place post-pandemic. Changes in protocols, staffing, and patient care to improve flow, safety, and the overall patient experience.”

These innovations are firmly in place at Dr. McCormack’s AAAASF-accredited on-site plastic surgery facility and medical spa. Having recently upgraded to a state-of-the-art space three times the size of her previous location and built from the ground up, patients have ample room to physically distance themselves and undergo treatment in a safe, private, and sterilized environment. 

For more information, please contact McCormack Plastic Surgery to learn about our surgical and non-surgical services, or to speak with a member of our team.

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